Designing the smartest hybrid portable and fixed EV Charging station from scratch
The ETAP Pro houses many different technologies, many of them designed from scratch by 7c7 Engineering.
GPS/GNNS reception
Wifi and Bluetooth communication
A Power-line networking modem
A NFC-badge reader
An accurate energy metering frontend
Integrated type-B RCD
The charger has passed safety and EMC compliance testing with flying colors!
The firmware powering the ETAP Pro is also crafted by 7c7 Engineering.
With this project we are driving the energy transition forward by facilitating peak-shaving, off-time charging, dynamic pricing-based charging, and energy management integration.
The requirements from the client were nothing less than demanding:
”Make the smartest charger that can be used both as a fixed installation (type-3) or a mobile (type-2) charger.”
A plethora of technologies and a 32amp current capacity has to fit inside a small portable device.
Want to know more?
Visit etap.pro